We’re wrapping up the semester and transitioning from exam to intercession hours, which you can find on our calendar.
We’d like to thank everyone who came out to our recent Library Study Break!
Congratulations, Seniors, we hope you’ll stay in touch! Remember, as an alum, you are entitled to a Friends of the Library card, so we’ll still be here for you when you need us.
Congratulations and thanks, especially, to our fantastic crew of student workers, many of whom are graduating and going on to great things. New or returning students who are interested in working with us in the Fall should check out our Student Employment page.
We’ll be here all summer for your reading, research and cool, quiet place needs! And we’ll kick off the Fall semester on Sunday, August 18th with Rock the Stacks featuring the Electric Owls!
Until then, de-stress with our funny books, pick up a new skill with Lynda.com, read one of last year’s best books, or check out some of our newest DVDs.
We’ll see you in the library!