ABC Express & Interlibrary Loan

Several folks have asked about the less than clear reference in the last NOTES FROM RAMSEY LIBRARY to being able to continue ABC Express and Interlibrary Loan (ILL), at least for now. Please excuse the ambiguity.

The concern applies only to the remainder of this fiscal year. The money that supports the Western North Carolina Library Network (WNCLN) and, thus, ABC Express is handled by Financial Affairs at ASU. So far, their interpretation of the state’s spending ban is that we can continue to put gas in the ABC Express truck. As long as we can do that, ABC Express will continue to run. If the state or ASU determines that we can’t put gas in the truck, we stop. The same’s true for ILL. We can continue to mail materials under NC guidelines. If those change and paying for mailing is prohibited, we’ll have to stop. On the ILL side of things, another complicating factor is that we may be borrowing materials from libraries in states where mailing is no longer allowed.

Ramsey Library will not willingly let ABC Express or ILL go, nor would I expect that from our campus. State regulations are another matter.

Posted by Brandy on April 27, 2009 5:37 PM