The four winners of Ramsey Library’s 2018 In Character Costume Contest have been decided! Thanks to everyone who voted and especially our student, staff, and faculty contestants!
First Place was Chris James’ Anubis:
Second Place was Anna Marshall’s Princess Mononoke:
Third Place was Alex Levine’s “Deer After the Headlights:”
Fourth Place was Dean Imholz’ Carrie:
Thanks so much to our 40 contestants for participating this year! We had many great costumes and we look forward to everyone’s participation in next year’s’ contest! Thanks to all the students, staff, and faculty who took part in the contest, Zoe’s Kitchen who provided most of the food for our reception, Argo Tea, Biltmore Fitness, the CrAFT Studio, and Horse and Hero, who provided our prizes, and all the library staff (especially Jhierry Lewis our enthusiastic leader) who made In Character 2018 happen.