
Interested in studying abroad during your time at UNCA, maybe in living a post-graduation gap year abroad as an expat, or simply love learning languages? In any case, get ready by developing your language skills using Ramsey Library’s newest database addition, Mango Languages! With it you can learn any of 70 world languages in a fun, engaging way, including through mainstream movies. Mango Languages is available from our list of ‘Online Resources‘ on the library’s homepage.

Mango Languages also has handy dandy apps for Android and iOS devices for learning on the go.

A preview snippet of the learning through movies Mango module:

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Mango Languages and Pronunciator Languages are both available currently, but Mango will replacing Pronunciator in our database collection starting January 2018.  If you have any questions about getting started using Mango Languages or other research needs, stop by the Reference Desk or contact a Ramsey Librarian anytime.