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Enjoy HBO’s high quality film productions and also incisive, socially relevant documentaries? You’re in luck! Over a hundred of HBO’s documentary films have just been added to Ramsey Library’s Films on Demand Database. You can access them on or off campus from the library’s homepage by clicking on ‘Online Resources‘ (in blue at right) then ‘Films on Demand‘ from the alphabetical list. If you’re accessing from off campus, simply log-in when prompted using your OnePort credentials.

Find something you’d like to use for a class project? You can easily make custom segments of films via the ‘Custom Segment’ tab (visible below). Once you’re ready to cite, that is easy too: simply click on the ‘Citation‘ tab under each video to find an automatically generated citation in Harvard, Chicago, or MLA (including the new 8th edition) styles. Here’s what it looks like:

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Have questions? As always let us know at and we’ll be happy to help!