“Where books are burnt, in the end people are also burnt.”

~ Heinrich Heine

Even though this year’s budget picture isn’t perfectly clear as yet, Ramsey Library is certainly more optimistic about the financial forecast and we’re back buying books at a moderate pace. Faculty should continue to request materials for the library collection through your library liaison.

Not only do we have new books to share, we are trying an enhanced display for the new books to spark interest. Many thanks to Barbara Svenson, Noel Jones, Anita White-Carter, and Brandy Bourne for making this happen. We are leaving the dust jackets on the new books until they’re transferred to the stacks and devoting two of the shelves in the display cases to take advantage of all the nice art work. We’re also trying the elimination of the pop reading shelves (those titles have been moved to the stacks and are in the catalog) to allow space and to emphasize that all books are popular. (Is NOTES FROM RAMSEY LIBRARY exposing its bias here? Hope so!)

Please visit the new new book display. In the meantime check it out at

Like many areas on campus and as NOTES FROM RAMSEY mentioned earlier, the library enters the new academic year with fewer staff. We have been particularly affected by the loss of the professional librarian position previously devoted to coordinating and supplying a great deal of the library’s user education. While everyone is trying to do as much as possible to fill the gap, many instructors will inevitably find that we’re unable to help at the time requested. Please be patient as we all attempt to cope as well as we can.

NOTES FROM RAMSEY does want to invite instructors’ attention to digitally available resources that can help them in presenting information resources to their students (actually better than a librarian coming to your class because the students pay much more attention to their “real” teacher) and to help their students directly. On the “InfoLit” page on the library’s web site you can find learning modules on research basics, finding articles, finding and evaluating web resources, suggested sample assignments, and resources for LANG 120 and LSIC 379 instructors.

Check it out at

· Research on Teaching Reading Shows What?

· Pricey Cost per Page Hurts Humanities and Social-Science Journals

· Google’s Book Search: A Disaster for Scholars
“Geoffrey Nunberg gets lost in the metadata of digital books.”

· New Editing Process Seeks to Improve Wikipedia’s Accuracy

Posted by Brandy on September 8, 2009 11:29 AM